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Shaman Plant Tobacco - Volume 2: The smoking herb conquers the Old World
The first volume explains the basics of tobacco use through the cultures and histories of the New World, and the second volume covers the journey around the world. Tobacco etiquette consistent with Native American shamanic practices and ethnopharmacological principles have evolved or become established in many places in the ancient world. Different cultures have developed parallel combinations of active ingredients, especially in the area of combining tobacco preparations with other herbs and substances.
The author Dr. phil. Christian Rätsch is far removed from the statement "tobacco, the devil's herb". Instead, he shows that this plant of the nightshade family (and thus relatives of herbs as diverse as tomato, potato and pepper, as well as thorn apple, henbane and deadly nightshade) can have numerous respectful and beneficial uses. Tobacco is neither good nor bad; It depends on the correct use whether it will bring harm or benefit.
Nachtschatten Verlag
Issue 1
Edition 2003
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