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In this long-awaited book, the authors describe their revolutionary new form of self-exploration and psychotherapy. Using the simplest techniques, Breathwork harnesses the healing and transformational potential of extraordinary states of consciousness, combining the insights of modern consciousness research, depth psychology, transpersonal psychology, and anthropology with Eastern spiritual practices and mystical traditions. In a clear and easy-to-understand writing style, this book summarizes the Grofs' findings. Accounts from her many years of practical experience provide fascinating insights into this method and offer useful advice to both the interested reader and the trained therapist. An appendix specifically directed to professionals provides supplementary supportive measures in concrete situations. Foreword by Jack Kornfield. Stanislav Grof is one of the most important pioneers of scientific consciousness work. He and his wife Christina have contributed as much to the intellectual as to the experiential understanding of the concept of consciousness through their Holotropic Breathwork. Their book on this new approach to self-exploration and therapy is a must read. www.stanislavgrof.com www.grof-holotropic-breathwork.net
Publisher Nachtschatten Verlag
Edition 4.
Edition 2022
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