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New plants, fungi, bacteria. Application. Cultural History The world's standard work on psychotropic ethnobotany is expanded. Volume 2 of the "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" contains over 500 new plants, fungi, lichens, and bacteria. The world's standard work on psychotropic ethnobotany is expanded. Volume 2 of the "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" contains more than 500 new plants, fungi, lichens, and bacteria in more than 140 monographs-from Acacia to Zornia and from Agrocybe to Xanthoparmelia-as well as new research on plants in the first volume. Over 350 other psychoactive plants whose potential remains to be explored are tabulated. In addition, the cultural history of psychoactive plants and their influence on the visual arts, music, and literature is presented. Newly indexed plant and mushroom products, explanations of their most important secondary metabolites, and extensive literature references round out the volume. A must for all who deal with psychoactive substances. Licensed edition of AT Verlag.
Publisher Nachtschatten Verlag
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