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Far from superficial assessments and unreflected euphemisms, this anthology describes the universe of psychedelic substances in scientific analyses and multi-layered accounts of experiences. The spectrum of contributions ranges from the presentation of historical references to the analysis of extraordinary states of consciousness and the examination of the significance of psychedelics in the hippie and techno cultures. Among the renowned authors are Albert Hofmann, Christian Rätsch, Hans Cousto, etc. In addition, several reports expressively reflect the diversity of psychedelic experiences. For example, a classic text by Anais Nin poetically recounts an LSD trip, while underground author Hadayatullah Hübsch delves into the abysses of a horror trip. The book is illustrated by about 80 images of visionary and psychedelic artworks, which in their diversity provide a currently unique international overview.
Publisher Nachtschatten Verlag
Edition 1.
Edition 2003
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