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The book brings together all the knowledge about entheogenic cacti and includes an up-to-date overview of all known psychoactive cacti plants, their ingredients, use, effects and side effects. They are real food of the gods: the psychoactive cacti. These multifaceted plants have intoxicating, psychedelic, uplifting, and narcotic properties. They are both a remedy and an entheogen. And thus an indispensable part of Indian culture and tradition. Within so-called civilization, almost nothing is known of these mind-altering plants, the flesh of divine ecstasy. This is the only reason why this book exists: It brings together all the knowledge about entheogenic cacti and contains an up-to-date overview of all known psychoactive cacti plants, their ingredients, application, effects and side effects. In addition, there's a guide to growing and propagation, as well as a wealth of background information and further insider knowledge. This book from the forge of psychoactive connoisseur Markus Berger is THE standard work on psychoactive and pharmacologically active cacti.
Publisher Nachtschatten Verlag
Edition 2.
Edition 2013
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