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This book provides a summary of the most common reports on microdosing from the psychedelic underground as well as on the findings of science to date. Can powerful psychedelics and other psychotropic substances optimize everyday consciousness? Can LSD, psilocybin, DMT, and mescaline be used to better meet the demands of daily life? And beyond their visionary potential, can psychedelic molecules actually serve to improve the integration of the individual into social interaction? Supporters of an increasingly popular practice of using psychoactives claim so. Microdosing is what they call this use of substances below the psychotropic threshold, and many swear that this technique of ingesting minute amounts of psychotropic substances can improve concentration, physical fitness, and health in general. In the light of academic research, however, things already look different, because the effects reported by users have so far been difficult, sometimes impossible, to reproduce in scientific settings. With contributions by Torsten Passie, Jochen Gartz, Linus Naumann and Frank Sembowski.
Publisher Nachtschatten Verlag
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