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From 1990 to 1995, Dr. Rick Strassman conducted DEA-approved clinical research at the University of New Mexico in which he injected sixty volunteers with DMT, one of the most potent psychedelic substances known to us. His extensive and detailed account of these sessions is a fascinating exploration of the nature of the human mind and the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances. DMT, a plant-derived substance that is also produced by the human brain, repeatedly led to near-death and mystical experiences during these sessions. Many of the volunteers reported encounters with intelligent, non-human entities, especially "extraterrestrials." Almost all felt that the sessions were among the most profound experiences of their lives. Strassman's research links DMT to the pineal gland, considered by Hindus to be the seat of the seventh chakra and described by René Descartes as the seat of the soul. The book makes arguments for the bold claim that DMT naturally released by the pineal gland promotes the movement of the soul in and out of the body and is part of the experiences of birth and death; it also appears to be involved in the highest states of meditation and in transcendent sexual experiences. Used wisely, DMT could usher in a period of remarkable progress in the scientific exploration of the most mysterious mystical regions of the human psyche and its soul life.
Publisher AT Publishing
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