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With information on the origin and history of the opium poppy, on opium in Asia, Africa, Australia, America and Europe, on the ingredients and effects of opium, on the consumption and production of smokable opium, etc. Carl Hartwich was way ahead of his time at the beginning of the 20th century. His 1911 work "Die menschlichen Genußmittel" is now rarely available in antiquarian form, and when it is, it is at horrendous prices. This ethnopharmacological classic documented psychotropic plants and mushrooms from all over the world earlier than any other book; to some extent, experts still wonder to this day where the author dug up all the diverse information. Nachtschatten Verlag makes the original chapter on opium available again with this newly designed reprint. With information on the origin and history of the opium poppy, on opium in Asia, Africa, Australia, America and Europe, on the ingredients and effects of opium, on the consumption and production of smokable opium, and on the smoking techniques of this medically valuable sap of the poppy. A unique document of the contemporary history of psychoactive drugs. Volume 1 of the new classic edition "Bibliotheca Psychonautica".
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