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The stoner dictionary: The ultimate ABC of hemp culture
A must-read for anyone who wants to get to grips with cannabis culture, equally suitable for professional stoners, concerned parents and cultural anthropologists. If you think you know everything about smoking pot, you're sorely mistaken. At a time when cannabis use is becoming increasingly popular, communication among stoners clearly leaves something to be desired. "The Ultimate Stoner Encyclopedia" clears up this state of affairs. It explains the commonly used terms of the stoner culture and does not even stop at regionally used, sometimes very strange technical terms. A masterpiece with extremely interesting facets and unthinkable trains of thought. A must for anyone who wants to get to grips with smoking pot, equally suitable for professional stoners, concerned parents, cultural anthropologists and the dealer on the next house corner. From the content: Girlfriends - mostly female, in some cases also male. Girlfriends after some time have the urge to be against the boyfriend's smoking weed ... Commercial Weed - just bad weed. Sold just to make money! Commercial weed is usually laced with all kinds of shit ... Mouth desert - dry mouth you usually get from smoking weed. A horrible feeling ...
Publisher Nightshade Publishing
Edition 2nd
Edition 2017