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Handbook for the drug emergency: The most important things about potential dangers, overdoses and dependencies
The practice of drug emergencies shows the shocking downsides that the unthinking use of legal and illegal substances - both psychological and pharmacological in nature - brings with it.
Finally there is a professionally sound book that objectively describes the most common psychoactive drugs, their risks and the most important measures for drug emergencies.
More than 40 substances, from alcohol and antidepressants to ephedrine and heroin to psilocybin and yohimbine, are presented monographically according to their effect-specific or chemical association.
The monographs contain chemical names and descriptions of the substances, as well as information about symptoms and diagnoses, as well as dosage and overdose. Effects and undesirable effects, risks and interactions, measures for the rescue service, the emergency doctor and other first aid operations as well as for medical practices and hospitals. Short-term support for overdoses, symptoms of poisoning and the effects of poly-consumption and treatment of addictions.
Testimonials from customers and emergency physicians.
Nachtschatten Verlag
Issue 1
Edition 2004
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