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Spirit - Society - Drug
The two basic forms of thinking, the "left-hemisphere" mind and the "right-hemisphere" intuition, show that the problems of our civilization are based on a "epistemological" basic problem: One-sided thinking, concentrated on intellectual thinking, which is also very superficial and dominated by prejudices he follows.
The aspects of reason and intuition are treated in a comprehensive analysis. The latter mainly examines the unconscious and altered states of consciousness with their different facets such as dream, meditation and states caused by drugs.
Examples such as shamanism, myths and creativity are used. Findings from brain research help us to unite these aspects together with the function of feelings into a whole.
It is also demonstrated how, in the course of human history, the predominance of intellectual thinking, which is often carried out incorrectly, and the resulting consequences have developed.
Finally, drug policy is used to illustrate the statements, reflecting subjective and superficial thinking like few other subjects.
Nachtschatten Verlag
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