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Songs of Maria Sabina
Thanks to Maria Sabina, the messenger of the sacred mushrooms, the secret of Mexico's sacred mushrooms was revealed. The book contains, among other things, the German translation of the songs sung in Mazatek. The shamanic use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms has remained alive among the Mazatecs to this day. This first became known through: Maria Sabina (1894-1985), the messenger of the sacred mushrooms. It is thanks to her that the secret of Mexico's sacred mushrooms was revealed. In a night ceremony she gave the magic mushrooms (Psilocybe) for the first time to a white man - R. Gordon Wasson (1898-1986), who recorded and published the shamanic chants of Maria Sabina in 1962. The book contains, among other things, the German translation of the songs sung in Mazatek. Texts from her life and on the shamanic mushroom rituals as well as "mushroomed" music - especially suitable music for rituals, compiled by Christian Rätsch - complete this special and long-awaited book.
Publisher Nachtschatten Verlag
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