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This concluding volume of the nightshade series offers an overview of all genera of the nightshade family: from A for Atropa to W for Witheringia, journalist and author Markus Berger shows the diversity of this large plant family, which includes both native and exotic species. Most popular are the edible (including potato, tomato, bell pepper and eggplant) and the nightshade plants, which are considered magic plants (including mandrake, belladonna and datura), as well as the petunia, which is popular as a home and garden plant. The exotic plants that thrive in foreign cultures, such as the wizard's tree, the bell bush and the Don Juan plant, on the other hand, are at best known as tub and pot plants in our regions. With this small encyclopedia exactly this gap is to be closed. Thus, not only the well-known, but also the rare and therefore rather unknown nightshade genera are listed in this volume. "Anyone who thinks cherries are great, but finds deadly nightshades instead, will find this great book a daredevil companion. Anyone who wants to learn about the mystical plant world and walk on safe shamanistic paths on their walks should consider Kleines Lexikon der Nachtschattengewächse: Ein Überblick über die Arten der Familie Solanaceae by Markus Berger as a standard reference book, as it looks at the subject matter in a purely scientific way and delivers it just as objectively to the reader." Hemp Journal May 2011
Publisher Nachtschatten Verlag
Edition 1.
Edition 2011
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