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Domineering behavior, the use of violence to control others, destabilizes and destroys families, groups and communities.
On the international level, aggressive domination means war, the breakdown of civil order.
Ralph Metzner traces the roots of war and domination in the psychological consequences of violent child abuse, in historical and prehistoric patterns of struggle for resources, and in failed behavior of mammalian predators.
These archaic predatory patterns are recognized in the capitalist and imperialist policies of nation-states. Metzner notes the deeper origins in lesser-known mythological and esoteric teachings: - In the Buddhist myths of power-seeking demons - In the legends of the corrupt civilization of Atlantis - In the Norse myths of ruling extraterrestrial warriors and colonialists Finally, the complex and profound teachings of a mysterious 20th-century sage, G.J. Gurdjeff, who locates the ultimate causes of war in extraplanetary and cosmic history, are examined.
Nightshade Publishing House
Edition 1.
Edition 2009
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