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Ethnobotanical aspects of the indigenous peyote ceremonialism of the Huixaritari (Huichol Indians).
Representation of prehistoric situations of Sierra cultures, ceremonialism and the cosmos vision and indigenous healing rituals.
The peyote cultures of the Indians of northwestern Mexico, rediscovered and popularized by "hippie ethnologists" such as Carlos Castaneda in the 1960s, are the subject of this geoscientific study based on a doctoral dissertation at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg.
Christian von Sehrwald examines not only the historical and prehistoric origins of these cultures, but also their current situation, providing a comprehensive ethnographic picture of the region in space and time. Since the worldview and cosmology of these peoples cannot be understood without the center of their religious rituals - the psychoactive peyote cactus - the descriptions of peyote ceremonies, healing rituals, and their ethnobotanical, ethnopharmacological, or ethnomedical background are a major focus of this book.
Nachtschatten Publishers
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