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This book traces the history of this "magical" drink: from its origin as a health elixir to its importance as a cult drink and 'fuel' of the Fin de Siècle - to its prohibition and the myths and legends that are still told today Discovered in the 18th century in Val-de-Travers (Neuchâtel, CH), absinthe soon became the fashionable drink of the Parisian bohemians and achieved worldwide fame - until the Green Fairy was banned in most European countries at the beginning of the 20th century and survived underground for almost 100 years. This book traces the history of this "magical" drink: from its origins as a health elixir, to its importance as a cult drink and 'fuel' of the Fin de Siècle and its artists - to its prohibition and the myths and legends that are still told today. And which have ensured that Absinthe - only recently legalized again - within a short time has become a scene drink with cult status.
Publisher Nachtschatten Verlag
Edition 1.
Edition 2006
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